Waiting for the Words

Inspiration ~ Creativity ~ Mindfulness

Welcome 2020!

Welcome to 2020 and Waiting for the Words! This blog has been a dream of mine for some time now and I am finally ready to share it with you!

First, I have to say, I am constantly amazed at how God works. In early 2019 when I was designing my blog, deciding on a name, and picking different design elements, little did I know just how relevant the name would become. I had no idea that on October 15, 2019, I would find myself sitting, agonizing and waiting for the words. The phone finally rang and then came the words I thought I’d never hear, “It’s positive!” My biopsy was positive for breast cancer! I repeated back, “It’s positive?” Surely, she must have made a mistake. “Yes, it is,” she said. My body went numb, and I found myself, once again, waiting for the words. I didn’t even know what to say next. After what seemed like an eternity, I asked what I should do next. She reassured me that I didn’t need to do anything, and that someone from the specialist’s office would be calling me soon!

Fast forward 2-1/2 months, I underwent a lumpectomy on my right breast and sentinel lymph node biopsy on November 13. The tumor which measured 1.6 centimeters was removed with surrounding tissue as well as 4 lymph nodes from my right side. After more waiting, all came back negative for the presence of cancer! Also, genetic testing and further testing on the tumor as well (and more waiting) have all come back negative! I am scheduled for the mapping session tomorrow with my radiation oncologist and should be starting 4 weeks (20 sessions) of radiation in about a week to 10 days.

All in all, 2019 was a very challenging and frightening time for me, and at the same time, it taught me so much! First, in the midst of the storm, He is always with me! My faith is stronger than it’s ever been and for that I am thankful. Second, don’t ever take life for granted! It is a precious, precious gift that we should be thankful for every single day! Time with loved ones is so precious! Slow down, enjoy life and do more of what makes you happy!

I look forward to sharing this journey of life with you, looking for the positive when negativity rears its ugly head, and being thankful for what we have here and now! Let’s live with intention and in the moment!

I would love to hear what you think of this blog! Feel free to comment or email me!

Until next time, wishing you all a safe and happy new year!
